Friday, December 11, 2009

World Bbs What Happened To That Old "OWEN HART DEATH VIDEO"?

What happened to that old "OWEN HART DEATH VIDEO"? - world bbs

Personally, I saw a few years ago to see the video, it was terrible, the house of Meaux video of the event ... I remember it was less than 10 seconds, fell into the bottom left corner of the screen and jumped into the ring rope. Does anyone remember?

Owen Hart was DEFFINETELY, no question. KNOW YOUR OUT THERE, I saw him in person! I also remember someone around the world for reasons of "moral" grounds, the BBS and IRC room


NubieRos... said...

I really do not know

NubieRos... said...

I really do not know

Donald said...

In their daily movement. The clip is 10 seconds, but the poster is written in French. The there, however. I hope that helped you ...

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