Sunday, December 20, 2009

Vicodin Online How Can I Buy Vicodin Online Safely?

How can i buy vicodin online safely? - vicodin online

Above all the negative comments in Giessen, I explain my situation. In fact, I'm addicted to the drug hydrcodone, in 2004 I fell in carrying a payload of 125 # and I have very bad because I participate in physical therapy and medication for the treatment of Pain ..... The truth is that I'm addicted to drugs, I realize very well. I informed my doctor and physical therapy are recommended to try to reduce with certain other drugs and Vicodin, the case is very difficult for me if I have a prescription for any reason. I told my doc. Was exactly what I would like the vicodin I can really leave, but I took him completely out perscription detox fear ... vicdin is very difficult, one of the hardest things I have ever tried in my life, but I have the documents are not prepared to help you once they fully confess their addiction .. I can not wait to pay for detox and I can not afford to miss work .. Do you know a way to buy the pill? Thanks


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