Saturday, February 20, 2010

Erect Male Model Wife Posed With Nude Male Model. Is This Normal?

Wife posed with nude male model. Is this normal? - erect male model

My wife has a class of the number of local university and learned models is well and earn money in your body, surely she began modeling. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but she said she was very professional. She said I should take a course to see for myself.
I went in thinking I was doing a session with someone from a different model, presented with before. It is mounted on a stage and a man came out and went to her. They left their clothes and asked the teacher. She sat on his back, wrapped in a blanket and was at his side, half with 1 foot over the leg. Nothing sexual, but he did mention a few. 5 minutes passed and I went around the room and noticed that he was a bigger penis and was beautiful and wearing semierectoshaved pubic hair, and by his contact with the vagina. It was not certain about it, but the head of the penis begins to disappear between the lips. None of them moved a muscle, and no one seemed to care in the class. They noted that, because it is not so much. It was never like I was about 20 minutes. Then he took a break. Then again demanded that the two sat down and stood behind her. Then the class was over.
She followed and tried to dinner. No mention of his penis enter key. Everyone in the class and thanked him and was as perfectly normal. Since no one had said something that confused and said nothing. Are not reported here.

I know it is fraud or something. And she loves moDeling. I have never seen together two naked models, one male and one female model.

Not a big deal?


Sherry F said...

No big deal for me, I hope my husband is like you and stupid to realize or do not care if I go out and get a strange d ***

It's all good.

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