Sunday, January 3, 2010

Herpes Blood Test How Accurate Are The Blood Test To Find If I Have Herpes?

How accurate are the blood test to find if I have herpes? - herpes blood test

Hello. I would appreciate any help.
I'll get with my girlfriend who has married a cold. I would like to know if I already have the virus.
I have no complaints and would like to read some of the blood test. If the test can be positive without symptoms.
None of you r suffering from herpes without symptoms, but wait with a positive blood test for herpes or do I need for the outbreak?
Thanks for the responses of the UR.


Gumdrop Girl said...

The old blood test can not distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2 and can be false positives in people who had chickenpox give.

However, there is a blood test recently by the approach of offering HerpeSelect laboratories. You do not need a shooting test, and I think that is ideal for you because your situation. Beween Can differentiate HSV-1 and HSV-2 and is highly sensitive and specific. The only downside is that there are about 200 U.S. dollars, the cost is often not covered by insurance, and it is hard to find. But talk to your doctor and your doctor may order sohuld test for you.

BTW stop the investigation of a group of Italian research in 2003 (I think, but perhaps found later) that serodiscordant couples (one the other does not), if the infected partner cyclovir herpes drugs and two previously used condoms during sex, is the uninfected partner at a rate of> 90% infected.

Less jargon, if you always use a condom with your partner, you Valtrex is not likely to be infected.

Gumdrop Girl said...

The old blood test can not distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2 and can be false positives in people who had chickenpox give.

However, there is a blood test recently by the approach of offering HerpeSelect laboratories. You do not need a shooting test, and I think that is ideal for you because your situation. Beween Can differentiate HSV-1 and HSV-2 and is highly sensitive and specific. The only downside is that there are about 200 U.S. dollars, the cost is often not covered by insurance, and it is hard to find. But talk to your doctor and your doctor may order sohuld test for you.

BTW stop the investigation of a group of Italian research in 2003 (I think, but perhaps found later) that serodiscordant couples (one the other does not), if the infected partner cyclovir herpes drugs and two previously used condoms during sex, is the uninfected partner at a rate of> 90% infected.

Less jargon, if you always use a condom with your partner, you Valtrex is not likely to be infected.

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