Sunday, January 24, 2010

Does Aetna Cover Nuchal Transulancy Scans Does Aetna Provide Coverage For Nuchal Translucency And?

Does aetna provide coverage for Nuchal translucency and? - does aetna cover nuchal transulancy scans

Mucular dystrophy genetic testing? I accepted Aetna and I can help with all the information on the basis of this terminology, but ask me of the CPT code for these tests are obtained. My gynecologist's office, in addition doen't seem to know the CPT code for the test, and I have already set up with a genetic counselor. I do not know whether the genetic counselor in the Aetna network. If so, s / he 'll give hopefull I CPT codes for CPT code tests.I for the neck line found and tried to search the site Aetna. but no idea what ID found far.Also-9 code of Duchenne M, but could not find CPT for Aetna? Investigate CPT requirements and Gynecology recommended Studienfachberater Genectin dystrophy testing based on family history of neck and is eligible for election to be decided at me if I that.But without CPT, no Aetna does not even get clear information when they covered.What is can I do?


Squirrel... said...

Ask if genetic counseling is covered, there are no specific tests) (without regard to encoding. Are they an amino acid or a triple screen, quadruple or screen? Amniocentesis can determine whether a specific problem, but further analysis of the alpha-fetal protein HCG compares if the relationship is too far, you can be a problem (but) not very reliable. You can see their chromosomal anomalies, and (this) is a blood test. Nucheal translucency is an ultrasound examination, based on the child's neck fold measured. If it is too large, there is a problem. If your insurance covers all images / ultrasound, which should be covered. If your insurance covers all maternity testing in May this fall into the category of motherhood (and) not only preventive genetic counseling and should be covered by your doctor (if they are sent to the advisor, first) has been medically necessary.

Again, ignore the code, ask:

Genetic counseling is taking (including screening and amnio if necessary)?

If not, then: Is covered each imaging? It is thethe theme of motherhood?

Squirrel... said...

Ask if genetic counseling is covered, there are no specific tests) (without regard to encoding. Are they an amino acid or a triple screen, quadruple or screen? Amniocentesis can determine whether a specific problem, but further analysis of the alpha-fetal protein HCG compares if the relationship is too far, you can be a problem (but) not very reliable. You can see their chromosomal anomalies, and (this) is a blood test. Nucheal translucency is an ultrasound examination, based on the child's neck fold measured. If it is too large, there is a problem. If your insurance covers all images / ultrasound, which should be covered. If your insurance covers all maternity testing in May this fall into the category of motherhood (and) not only preventive genetic counseling and should be covered by your doctor (if they are sent to the advisor, first) has been medically necessary.

Again, ignore the code, ask:

Genetic counseling is taking (including screening and amnio if necessary)?

If not, then: Is covered each imaging? It is thethe theme of motherhood?

Poppy: Boy #2 due 04/29/10 said...

76,813, the European Committee for the nuchal translucency is

For muscular dystrophy depends on the proof follows ...

I would be your OB ... You can find the CPT code.

My insurance (Blue Cross Blue Shield) refers both to ... Aetna also I guess.

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