Friday, January 8, 2010

Consumer Reports Portable Dvd Portable Air Conditioners - Do They Really Work?

Portable Air Conditioners - Do they really work? - consumer reports portable dvd

We have) a very small apartments (900 m²) and south-west (Sun. exposure. The building has no air conditioning and windows are desigen support for standard window mounted air conditioners.

We're nervous to buy a portable air conditioner. I read Consumer Reports and has air conditioning portable listening very poor.

They have been tested and works? If you made a positive experience, what would you recommend?


mizzzzth... said...

I have 2 laptops in my house and cool all the way up to the summer ....... My apartment is huge and has 3 bedrooms ........ I love the A / C and aa recommend everyone ..... There are 2 Buy cheap WalMart 5 years and work hard! Good luck and stop sweating .... LOL

mizzzzth... said...

I have 2 laptops in my house and cool all the way up to the summer ....... My apartment is huge and has 3 bedrooms ........ I love the A / C and aa recommend everyone ..... There are 2 Buy cheap WalMart 5 years and work hard! Good luck and stop sweating .... LOL

mslider2 said...

Yes, they work. The problem is, they have a large quantity of water that will be collected all along the sewer and must be evacuated and at least once a day.

☼Jims Brain☼ said...

Work but are very painful in the ass, he has to empty the whole time.


yes, it works better than roasting to death

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