Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cigna Network What Exactly Are The Plans For Obama And Hillary's Universal Healthcare Proposal?

What exactly are the plans for Obama and Hillary's Universal Healthcare proposal? - cigna network

How many conversations we had before? Much. None of us really know what their plans for the implementation of the hospital? Is this a sign that the networks have done a terrible host the debates?

Anyway, if you're one of them, it will be Cigna, Blue Cross no more? We give a health insurance card from the government?

Or those who already have your health insurance and those who are not receiving health insurance those who can buy the government?

Does anyone know?


Quint B said...

No, I do not know .... but I want to take note of other countries .... See what happens, good and bad in other countries in the health system and the best thing here .. ... Check Frontline on PBS to see the break .... We have the best America we have not !!!!!!

slip said...

Here is my understanding of the plan:
1. Increase in individual income tax of more than $ 50,000 per year to 95%
2. Creating space for people to qualify for the medical care was based on min. Wages.
3. View declining medical breakthrough on the basis of a socialist system, "fair wages, reward" to. Remember that the rich are bad! This makes the pharmaceutical companies, who's the boss!
4. Be sure to see long queues at Docs. You think the DMV is a zoo ... Look!
5. Offer less adequate care because there are less educated "Apply" docs.

The best part is that is free for anyone who is unemployed and for our friends who are illegal immigrants. The key is that we have a fairer society!

karl k said...

all I heard was that these costs would decrease.
I'm sure he knows that the president has nothing to do with the cost of health care, so its hard to imagine themselves. I hope this is a hazard in the air and not as a nightmare scenario, Hilary.

karl k said...

all I heard was that these costs would decrease.
I'm sure he knows that the president has nothing to do with the cost of health care, so its hard to imagine themselves. I hope this is a hazard in the air and not as a nightmare scenario, Hilary.

karl k said...

all I heard was that these costs would decrease.
I'm sure he knows that the president has nothing to do with the cost of health care, so its hard to imagine themselves. I hope this is a hazard in the air and not as a nightmare scenario, Hilary.

dianak50... said... ...

Scroll down and you see a table with two sets of facts, so here is the Obama Web site for health information. / Healthcare

Mutant Marshmallow said...

Taxes. .. Higher taxes and fees.

Right Wing Conservative Hawk said...

Wise is a wise, will not happen now or never.

bitter/ flag pins said...

God, it's wrong if you are not careful candidates support it.

wiseolgu... said...

This is an empty promise, do not expect to be corrected.

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